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Migration Museum

Heart of The Nation is a digital exhibition exploring the crucial role of international workers within the NHS. Without them, our beloved institution would not be what it is today.

Explore and inspire

We delivered an exhibition which shares experiences of people coming to the UK and finding work within the NHS. With no opportunity for a physical exhibition due to Covid our aim was to deliver the essence of a real-life exhibition on a digital platform.

The site opens with a beautifully emotive animation by Tribambuka (aka Anastasia Beltyukova) and is narrated by Michael Rosen.

In numbers

It was important to show data for the different ethnicities making up the NHS and the roles they hold. A map shows how many workers have migrated to the UK from different regions and job roles are visualised with simple interactive graphs.

Surprise and delight

Chapters including ‘Arrival’ and ‘Making a life in Britain’, tell the stories of challenges and successes faced by real people and their families within the NHS. These experiences are brought to life using a rich mix of media including film, animation, video and audio.

With no physical space to separate artefacts, galleries or timelines, a key challenge was to display content in such a way that would be engaging and continually surprise visitors.